Tend Skin
Tend Skin Liquid reduces the appearance of:
– Razor bumps or shaving bumps
– Ingrown hairs
– Skin redness after hair removal
– Whiteheads following waxing
– Inflammation after electrolysis or waxing
Special Benefits:
– Tend Skin Liquid is good or women and men.
– Men can use it on their faces, necks and back of the head
– Women will find it useful on legs, bikini lines, underarms and anywhere else hair removal creates ingrown hairs or razor bumps
Tend Skin
The solution for any cosmetic problem related to hair removal. Men can use it on their face, neck and back of the head while women find it useful on legs, bikini line, underarms and anywhere else hair removal causes razor bumps. Use in conjunction with shaving, waxing electrolysis or epilating.
Caution: If you have an allergy to Aspirin (hives, itching) do not use this product.
Tend Skin Liquid works very quickly. You will see the result in 24 hours.
Tend Skin
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